Wednesday 21 September 2011

A Silky Smooth Depatrure. AKA The First 600 are the hardest.

As expected we left Saskatoon yesterday to the good-byes of our families for our grand adventure. Up until this point everything went incredibly smoothly. Our first little hitch came 20 minutes later, at the gas station on our way out of town. Bill had stopped to check tire pressure only to find that his tires were a touch low. While topping them up he proceeded to knock his bike over. Twice. Thirty minutes later we were off like a heard of turtles blazing ahead into the great unknown.

What we didn't know was that the great unknown would be sidelining us about 20 km. later, when Patrick's bike died. We quickly got to the road for another 20 km. before again we were sidelined. And again 20 later. The fourth time it happened, after removing a fuel filter and trouble shooting other problems, Patrick was able to figure out that he had pinched his tank breather line. With our problems sorted we were finally able to arrive at Kindersley in a brief 3 hours.

Other ride highlights included Billy's brand new, less than 24 hour old GoPro self destructing all over the number 7 highway. Brutal. We were also passed by a house. Yes a house. KLR's are not by any means fast, but god damn the was the fastest moving house I've ever seen.

We arrived at our abode for the night and went to a lovely Mexican restaurant and played Settlers of Catan with our old Friend Kylie Toh. We're off to a good start. We'll keep you posted.

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